Category: Movements
Russian Formalism
Russian Formalism Russian Formalism was a literary movement that emerged in Russia during the early 20th century, primarily in the 1910s and 1920s. It aimed to establish a scientific and objective approach to the...
Impact of Renaissance
Impact of Renaissance on Life and Literature The emergence of modern English in the history of English literature is perceived in the Elizabethan age. It is the beginning of modern English literature and the...
Symbolist Movement
Symbolist Movement In a significant work by Arthur Symons, titled “The Symbolist Movement in Literature” (1899), he characterized the movement as a reaction against realism and naturalism and as an attempt to “spiritualize literature.”...
Surrealism Surrealism promised to free the mind, of rational control, by exposing the subconscious mind of man…. These philosophical forerunners of the Absurd movement preached a new psychology based on combining the dreaming state...
Theatre of the Absurd
Introduction The Theatre of the Absurd was a short-lived yet significant theatrical movement, centred in Paris in the 1950’s. The beginning of “absurdism” lie in Avant-garde (Avant-garde refer to such works of art that...